Help center

Web accessibility


All Brio sites (learning platform, help site, second generation course sites (ENA2) and promotional site) are developed according to the Standard sur l’accessibilité des sites Web of Quebec government. Brio's accessibility is constantly being improved and the team hopes to complete the work before summer 2022.  

Brio cannot guarantee the accessibility of content added by partners who are not necessarily subject to the same Web accessibility standard.  

Course sites created with the first generation tool (ENA1) are not subject to this standard, given the eventual replacement of this tool by the second generation (ENA2). What is the difference between ENA1 and ENA2 (in French only)?

Validation tools 

Brio accessibility tests are performed with the following tools:

  • Chrome version 88
  • NVDA version 2020.3
  • Axe version 4.7.1

Description of icons

Icons on Brio's promotional site


Home page

Course location

Online course

Hybrid course

Course dates

Icons on ENA2 course sites

A text

A questionnaire

A video

Several videos

An image

Several images

A file

Several files

A multimedia production

Icons on the help site

Mobile menu

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For more information about accessibility, please send your request to: